This is How You Survive the Corona Virus..


The Corona virus spreads quickly worldwide.
So many infections and so many deaths worldwide.

The symptoms (disease picture) look like this..
Coughing, sneezing, sore throat, muscle pain, and 
the main warning.. a deadly flu virus!

How do you win from the Corona virus?

Build a strong immune system for your body.
Be hygienic and take preventive measures.

How do you resolve cough?
When you wake up.. boil 1 liter of water, mix it 
with 1 tablespoon of liquid honey.
Drink it in one go, as hot as possible.
Do not eat or drink anything for an hour.
Exactly after an hour.. steam your face for 
8 minutes above a pan of boiling water..

What does this process do? 
Your canal from your stomach to your mouth is
cleaned from inflamed mucous membranes and waste.
The remaining mucus comes loose from your throat, 
mouth and nasal cavity.

Do this treatment for 2 days in a row and 
your cough is over.

Then chew on a gum (strawberry-lime flavor) 
to bind the inflamed mucous membranes.

Drink camille tea to bind the inflamed mucous membranes.

Avoid banana, cola and milk.. these products form slime.

Why do you have to resolve the cough first?
Because the cough weakens your resistance, 
causing the virus can enter your system to take over 
and then disrupt your health..
The consequences: death as result.

How do you build a strong immune system?

Avoid radiation, alcohol, drugs, smoking, 
red meat (steak) lightly fried in blood so that you 
do not weaken your resistance and make 
your body vulnerable to give the virus opportunities 
and possibilities.

Brush your teeth with Elmex toothpaste 3 times a day 
for strong resistance and strong eyesight.
Your teeth are connected to many nerves and organs.
Your clean teeth radiate a force of resistance and 
a strong immune system.

You often get high blood pressure, high cholesterol 
and other ailments from poorly maintained teeth.

Use a dehumidifier to dehumidify the air.
Reduce moisture in the air from 80% to 40%.
Purify the air in your room with the air purifier.

Pure air (oxygen) ensures fast healing.

Purify your blood with the oxygen generator for 
an hour and a half.
Your lungs and blood is provided with 
99.99% oxygen boost and the blood value is 
between 95 and 100.

The pure blood can now transport oxygen 
through red blood cells.

Eat as much vitamin A as possible, 
like dark leafy vegetables to make red blood cells.
So that you can transport enough oxygen 
via the red blood cells through the blood.
This is very good to ward off the virus.

Do not use tap water (pH 6.5), but 
use always alkaline water (pH 9.4 to pH 11).
This water is 100 times more powerful than Vitamin C.
This water detoxifies your body.

Take 2 paracetamol or 500 mg codeine every 6 hours.
Do this 3 times a day for 3 days.
With this you build a defense system.

Use beetroot juice, carrot juice, broccoli, and 
orange fruits and orange vegetables.
Orange fruits and orange vegetables contain 
beta carotene.
This beta carotene binds the cells against cancer, 
viruses and diseases.
Beta carotene and curcuma are giant killers 
such as cancer and viruses.

Drink cola over a day.. in 50 ml sips at a time.
If you know that cola makes copper coins, the pans 
and toilet bowl shiny,
then you know what cola does to your body inside.

Eat a packet of sweets.
Bacteria / viruses struggle with sugar / sweets, 
the cold, heat, oil, lavender.
(sugar patients should not have sugar).

Detoxify your body with caster oil.
Mix 50 ml caster oil in a long glass (200 ml) 
with milk and drink it.

Detox your body with brown beer or 
super malt alcohol-free beer.
The excess brewer's yeast provides the detoxification.

Detoxify your body with curcuma tea.
Curcuma tea recipe:
Put in a mug of boiling water.. mix 
a dessert spoon of liquid honey and 
a quarter of a small teaspoon of curcuma powder.
Stir well.. and drink as hot as possible.

Use powerful broth soup twice a day.

Hygiene measures for your environment

Keep dogs and cats out of your house because 
of street dirt and different types of bacteria.
Steam your home in every nook and cranny.
Steam your bed and sofa with deep cleaning.

Clean the doorknobs and everything that has 
a handle with Dettol.

Replace your towels every day before cooking.
Change your bed linen and pillowcases every 4 days.
Place the pillows (without pillowcase) outside in 
the cold at night to kill bacteria.

Place a tablespoon of crystal soda in a basin of hot water.
Clean the counter, refrigerator and stove with a cloth.
Pat everything dry with a clean tea towel.
Cover the counter with aluminum foil paper for hygiene.

Hygiene measures for your environment

Avoid pressing public buttons that the world touches 
on a daily basis.
Avoid public toilets as much as possible.
Do not touch a bus stop where vandals spit or urinate.
Prefer to use private toilets that have been used little.

Avoid IKEA play areas / ball boxes and / or 
public school toys.. due to viruses from sick children.
This is a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses.
Avoid samples from makeup shops because of (poo) bacteria 
and viruses.

Personal hygiene measures

Don't shake hands or else... wash your hands and 
nails with lavender antibacterial soap as an example.
Bacteria and viruses cannot tolerate lavender.

Keep 3 meters distance from people.

Use a mouth mask as a filter outside.
You never know who is a carrier of the virus because 
you cannot detect any symptoms at the beginning of 
the process. Until it ripens..! So be preventive!

Detox your body daily. Eat blood purifying products.
Discard products by the date.
Eat as many natural products as possible, such as 
fruit and vegetables.

Purify your aura and energy field / layers 
on time with white sage against negativity.

When you touch a keyboard, laptop, tablet or 
mobile phone, do not touch your mouth and 
nose with your hands because of viruses that 
can get into your throat, nose and ear.
Clean your nails and keep them clean and sterile 
on time.

The nurse in the hospital also keeps her hands sterile.
She studied care and personal hygiene.
Work sterile for the sake of your health and happiness.

You don't want to know the health insurance bill and 
fees what the hospital earns for a few days admission.
8000 euros to 21,000 euros for a few days hospital stay.

In many hospitals they do not take hygiene very closely.
The staff is very negligent and dirty to put it so flat right away.
This can become a bacteria / virus outbreak, causing 
unnecessary deaths that are covered up.

To put it more directly..
There must first be a virus outbreak worldwide 
to let people take hygiene seriously and finally 
wash their nails and hands well in time.
Otherwise they live dirty and rancid.

The Chinese in particular must be held 
accountable worldwide for their wrong behavior.
Because the virus outbreak often comes from animals.
And since the Chinese eat everything.. 
you don't know what they have been up to in China 
that caused this virus outbreak.

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